June Mama Message


"Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold."

- Joseph Chilton Pierce

As my husband and I head home to Montana after 3 weeks of exploring and inhaling landscapes of piñon pines, juniper, sagebrush, cactus, fir, and cottonwoods, my senses are filled. I feel grounded and whole, and I can feel the positive impact of the fresh air, sunshine, and wonderful experiences on my whole being. This has been an epic adventure after months of challenges and changes, and I am reflecting on the importance of quality time spent with family.

In my work over decades, and distilled at thefutureoffamily.com, I have developed my ten essentials of family life. Some of these essentials focus on self care, nurturing relationships, good nutrition, holistic healthcare, and simplifying our lives. I feel that I have condensed these in the last three weeks while spending simple days camping and hiking, lots of wonderful conversations with my husband, and precious time spent with close family members and friends.

This has all reinforced my confidence in these essentials, and I feel that our family is centered, healthy, and close because of them. In our adventures this past month, we have also seen evidence of the breakdown of these values. This country is so incredibly gorgeous and vast, and people are adventuring again… for better or worse. We encountered wonderful people out having a great time with their families, and practicing good stewardship of their health and nature… and we also saw plenty of the opposite.

Watching the sunset in Joshua Tree as the full moon rose on a warm night was a beautiful experience, and it was enhanced by the enthusiastic admiration of young couples, older campers, photographers, families with children clambering over the massive rock formations, and 1st time adventurers. We were united in our awe of this magnificent sight, and felt the common thread that bind us all. How many nights have we missed this incredible display because we are inside with our devices, or distracted by the daily tasks that we feel are necessary, or are stressed by work deadlines? The simple choice to be outside at this moment, to hold or kiss a loved one as we share the experience, and to take a few minutes to pause and breathe can make a big difference for ourselves and our families.

Every choice that we make strengthens or detracts from our family culture. The memories that are made together, or the time spent apart creates the character and values that are to be passed on. There are moments when I have such renewed faith in humanity, and then there are other experiences which make me so concerned for our future. I still believe that it is the time tested activities and pastimes like reading, hiking, swimming, gardening, camping, playing games indoors and out, conversations by the fireside, and music together that foster strong character and close knit family dynamics.

My colleague Sheila and I have so many podcast episodes with lots of ideas that foster healthy family culture, and we discuss the benefits of this focus as well. I invite you to check out The Moms I Know podcast, if you haven’t already, and to take some time to reflect on your own family culture. Are you comfortable with your choices, or are there some areas where you would like to make some changes? The memories that you create today, and the values that you pass on to your children, are the foundation for a vibrant and loving society for our future. Enjoy these beautiful days of summer with family and friends!


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Maria Fahrner