July Mama Message


"Now I see the secret of making the best person.
It is to grow in the open air, and to eat and sleep with the earth."

- Walt Whitman

Having spent the majority of the past six weeks traveling, my body is in the midst of a reset as I walk around outside in glorious summer weather.  I can feel my nervous system slowing, relaxing, and coming into balance again.  While I am truly grateful for the freedom to travel, I am also acutely aware of how it physically affects us human beings.  

We were designed to walk on this Earth, and to savor the sights and sounds around us.  Having our bare feet firmly planted on the ground is a form of detoxification and centering… it actually counters the effects of too much electromagnetic exposure.  The plants provide chemical constituents to aid us in detoxifying from the pollutants around us, and to support our emotional and physical health.  We are meant to be connected in nature!

Watch small children at play outside, as they instinctively interact with everything in their grasp. They are at one with nature, and are generally calm, settled, and inquisitive. We can learn so much from them if we just follow their lead. As long as we provide the setting with simple items in nature, they build, create, cooperate, and explore together. This past year our family spent more time than ever outside together with friends getting plenty of sunshine, fresh air, and exercise. We know that this is healthier for our bodies and helps boost our immune systems. For small children however, it is also the most developmentally appropriate playground, as they discover gravity, levity, the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, erosion, water cycles, cause and effect, and so much more! The research is in on the many ways being outdoors benefits children from building strength and coordination, to aiding digestion and sleep… See our podcast episode Episode 52 for a great discussion on outdoor education, or Episode 71 for an interview with the author of There’s No Such Thing As Bad Weather.

I grow increasingly concerned for the future as I see more and more very small children plugged into electronic devices. There is ample research on the detrimental effects this has on the developing young brain, and it also robs the child of the necessary play and movement that is so necessary for healthy brain and body development. While there may be a time and a place for these devices, I see a huge reduction in the amount of time children spend outdoors. When I was a child we spent our after school hours outside, and weekends and summers were non-stop outdoor adventures (or curled up in the shade with a good book). Our parents just wanted us home by dinnertime… I am aware that there are many factors that have led to changes, and I also know that as parents we can make a difference with the choices that we make. It takes strength and willpower to counter the current paradigm, but it can be done as we support each other and share our ideas together.

I love seeing families on walks or hikes, playing in lakes, streams, or at the beach, picnicking outdoors, camping, biking, and playing games together. This builds family connection, character, strong and healthy bodies, and creates a wonderful family culture. I encourage you to add more outdoor time to your busy days, and I know you will see the benefits for the whole family. Have a wonderful summer month!


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Maria Fahrner