January Mama Message

Maria's Mama Message: 

Whether we are a mama, daughter, aunt, mentor, or teacher, we are all "mothering" someone! We are sharing, caring, and nurturing... and we need to be be nurtured too. My message for January is about Self Care. On an airplane we need to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first, before we help others... If we are going to shine our bright lights in the world, we need to be fully charged!

This month I encourage you to double or even triple your self care routine. Check out Tiffany Peterson (at Tiffanyspeaks.com) for fabulous content on self care routines, and for creating your own "Joy List". She is a wonderful coach for women entrepreneurs and is always inspiring. Massage, acupuncture, a spa day, walks on the beach or in the forest, fresh flowers, or a candle lit bath are ideas to schedule in for yourself!
I'll be choosing essential oils to support each area of focus as I share my message... They can help support us physically, emotionally, and spiritually along our path, and have been a blessing in my life. The essential oil blend that I have chosen for this month is Immortelle! This beautiful blend of Frankincense, Lavender, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Helichrysum, Myrrh, and Rose is the "Anti-Aging Blend" and is the perfect way to start the day for every woman. Help maintain healthy skin, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy cellular function. Add a few drops to your bath, use with your body lotion, or apply carefully around your eyes and to pulse points daily.
Invest in your own health, because you are worth it, and the world needs your brightness right now!
Happy New Year!

Maria Fahrner