April Mama Message


“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

- Lao Tzu

With a focus on rebirth and renewal this month I find myself grappling with what this really means for me and for other mothers! I have spoken with dozens of women in the past few weeks, and each of us feels as if we are existentially going through the pains of labor and birth, and are looking forward to the new “baby” that is emerging…

Whether you are just feeling some relief that Spring has finally come, are optimistic for the future, or are still processing the events of the past year… each of you has something that is percolating. If you read my musings last month, you will be aware that we have sold our family home of thirty years. This beloved home and the journey there with our children was the inspiration for “The Future of Family”, and the place where my colleague Sheila and I launched “The Moms I Know” podcast. Letting go of the physical home, and of all of the history that it contained, was a gigantic effort! Yet the letting go has opened us up to new possibilities…

This journey of packing up our home and leaving it behind has reminded me about becoming a mother years ago. I had no idea what birth and motherhood would be like, but I knew that I needed to let go and trust the process. This has always served me well, as we cannot predict what the future will bring, and we need to be flexible and resilient to whatever comes. We shed our identities as we go through rites of passage, major life experiences, and worldwide events. As we shed the old, we can resist or embrace the renewal that is happening. Becoming a mother has been where I have had to trust the most, embraced the greatest lessons, and matured into the woman that I am now. All three of our children have been teachers to me in their own way, and I am grateful to each for the lessons they have offered!

There are many times in our lives when we have to let go, and each of us has our own path of becoming who we are meant to be. At this moment in history we are facing decisions, challenges, obstacles, and opportunities. What we do with this time is up to us. We can look at it as an overwhelming set of problems, or as a possibility to renew and rebirth into unknown potential. Just as with childbirth, we can prepare ourselves physically and emotionally, we can put our plan into place, and rally the support around us that is needed. Yet ultimately, we need to let go and trust that everything is unfolding as it should, and that we are receiving the lessons that we need in order for us to progress to the next stage of our lives.

An essential oil that is wonderful for aiding us in this transformation or renewal is helichrysum. I like to just inhale the aroma of this plant with its warrior spirit, and to allow it to help me understand and be grateful for the challenges and trials in my life. It is also good to use topically when dealing with any physical or emotional wounds. Dilute and use it over the heart or wherever one is feeling pain… I feel that this is a wonderful tool to support us as we deal with all that is to come.

The road ahead may not look the way we hoped for or intended, but it is unfolding in ways that will challenge and encourage us. Allowing for this renewal with all of its messiness and difficulty will hopefully strengthen us for the days ahead. We are in this together, and we need to listen, support, and enlighten each other. Wishing you the courage and stamina for whatever lies ahead!


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Maria Fahrner