March Mama Message

“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures."

- Lao Tzu

As we are well into March we face daunting daily headlines. We are all dealing with the reality of social distancing and slowing down, while many of us want to reach out and support others. March is usually my month to focus on simplifying our lives, and I have recently had a personal abrupt experience helping me see the relevance of simplifying. I slipped and fractured my right wrist at the end of a busy day… The doctor advised “No pulling, no pushing, no lifting.”  I know he meant this physically, but I am aware of the deeper meaning of how I can apply this to my life, and try to live in a more flowing state of mind and action.  A friend also mentioned that we give with our right hand, and receive with our left.  Hmmm…  Time to slow down, prioritize, and learn to ask for a little support!  I think this applies to everyone now…

I want to share what I am doing to try to follow my simplest and healthiest daily routine, which some of you may have already seen in my other posts…

        In addition to the general recommendations of washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching the face as much as possible, and staying home, there are daily practices that I incorporate to support my immune system.  Limiting sugar and processed foods, eating whole, organic fresh foods, increasing nutrient dense foods including lots of fresh vegetables, and taking high quality supplements are key for me.  I also add fermented vegetables, bone or vegetable broth, and I drink lots of water and herbal teas. Daily movement, fresh air, plenty of sleep, and practices of mindfulness and gratitude are part of my routine.  Staying positive with pastimes that bring me joy, and communicating with family and friends all support my emotional health.

        A favorite resource for health information is Dr. Elisa Song at where she covers a wide range of issues. I also love the Nourishing Traditions cookbook, and for those who choose a completely vegetarian diet, the Blue Zone Kitchen at has been highly recommended.  We may all be spending a bit more time in the kitchen these days.

        Obviously I also use essential oils on a daily basis, and right now I am focusing on immune support with doTERRA’s On Guard, Frankincense, Melaleuca, and Copaiba. On Guard has been diffusing daily in our home. With my fractured wrist,  Copaiba and Deep Blue have been amazing for relief of discomfort and reducing inflammation.  The Adaptive blend has kept my spirits high… I carry the On Guard hand sanitizer with me and use it regularly, and I also have Breathe essential oil and On Guard soft gels on hand if needed for more serious issues.   Rosemary, Cardamom, and Eucalyptus are on my shelf for additional respiratory support if needed.  Other supplements I have on hand are Cats Claw, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc.

A friend Sara Fletcher who has a business as a feng shui consultant ( ) has some lovely recommendations for this time, and I am following her suggestions on simplifying our home, since we are going to be spending lots of time here.  My husband and I have been working on reducing clutter, and we have committed to tackling one area a day this month… whether that is a whole room, one box, or one cabinet!  I love how simply emptying a box can help clear the mind and put me in a more positive mood.

My colleague Sheila Walsh Dunton and I are reaching out via emails, Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, and our podcast The Moms I Know with lots of support and suggestions for family schooling at this time.  You’ve probably seen many posts or messages about ideas of how to spend this time with your children… Sheila and I have been doing this for several decades, and have a longer view on the benefits of family time.  We have just launched a whole series on homeschooling, and we have many episodes that cover a wide range of parenting issues that are very timely right now.  Please check out for lots of pertinent information.  We want to be of support and inspiration in this challenging time!  We know that this can be an incredibly difficult experience for many of you, but we invite you to look at this as a time of transformation, where we can truly prioritize and change the current paradigm of life for the better. This is a tremendous opportunity to distill our lives and family culture to create the most healthy family lifestyle!

I wish you all vibrant health and wellness for yourself and your family.   Please feel free to reach out with any questions or help that is needed.


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Maria Fahrner