November Mama Message

“Giving and receiving is the law of life. When we give with love and accept with deepest gratitude, our souls rejoice."

- Debasish Mridha

Being grateful for what we have in this life is a foundation for happiness. There is so much research on the importance and significance of expressing gratitude, and it can truly be the turning point for leading lives of purpose and joy. It is always inspiring to be in the presence of people who are thoughtful and appreciative. I love this story about a man who was fired from his job without any notice, and when he realized that he had the rest of the day free, he decided to go to the nearest hospital and visit with people who were dealing with greater challenges! Certainly by lifting others, we lift ourselves as well.

Sometimes we need to stay in a place of discouragement for awhile, or to grieve and allow ourselves space to heal. Yet when we can allow ourselves to focus on others, our burdens begin to lighten. As we give to others our own joy can increase, and we can look at our challenges in a different way. In community we can work together for a common good, and find strength in serving others.

 The gesture for giving is also a gesture for receiving. Our hands are open and facing outward as we let go, and in that space we are poised to receive… but sometimes this art of receiving can be more difficult than giving for many people. We deflect, we object, we insist, and eventually we may accept, and by that time the person who is giving is deflated. We must learn to accept with the same abandon and joy that we have learned to give. It is a different reflection of gratitude in our lives. There are so many stories, especially at this time of year, about selfless giving, and these are very inspiring. Yet I would invite you to look at how you respond when someone expresses appreciation or gratitude towards you. Can you take the compliment, gift, or gesture with grace and thoughtfulness? Can you sense your worthiness and feel deserving of the expression?

As we reflect on the duality of this concept, we can deepen our understanding of the laws of nature and of our interconnectedness. We can be self-reliant and interdependent… we can find joy in solitude and in camaraderie… we can welcome the darkness and the light… and we can give and receive with appreciation and harmony. If we are struggling with this concept, Cedarwood essential oil can invite us to open more to giving and receiving, and to accept the support of family and community. This holiday season we can be open to all of the experiences as they unfold, and learn from the myriad expressions of life.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!


Maria Fahrner